Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mother's Day: Refugee Moms

In the spirit of Mother's Day, I will be donating a portion of the proceeds from family portrait sessions taken this month to support refugee moms. Please join me in helping moms who have been displaced by war in countries such as Pakistan (Swat Valley), Afghanistan, Iraq, South Sudan, Darfur and Sri Lanka. You can learn more about the plight of refugees on the websites for the United Nations High Commission for Refugees or Doctors without Borders. Its difficult for us who live in a peaceful, prosperous country to imagine what it is like to live in a war-torn country without a home and without food, water and medicines for our children. No matter what our religion, culture or language, we are all moms and we all want the best for our children. They say photos speak a thousand words; I think the ones below speak volumes. They were all taken a few days ago in Swat Valley, Pakistan by talented photographers working for Getty Images and Reuters. Please show you care. Get involved.

Photo credits: 1 and 2 Getty Images, 3 - 5 Reuters

A few other links. 
Give a meaningful gift this Mother's Day: Choose your gift basket at International Rescue Committee
On Mother's Day or during any day in May, participate in a
day of fasting - water or refugee rations only.
Mother's Day Actions by Stop Genocide Now

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